Saturday, September 8, 2007

actual threesome.

actual conversation:

typical-church-goer: hey... aren't you that guy from summer wilshire?
self, my: uhm... ha, no - not really.
not at all, actually.
tcg: oh.

this further goes to prove the alleged twin ship of myself and david hughes. from further conversation - i discovered that apparently he had mistaken me for 'that drummer guy.'

actual photograph:

location: iris hotel, rwanda.

actual word:

seriatim \sir-ee-AY-tim; -AT-im\, adverb:
In a series; one after another.
- - -
Mr. and Mrs. Kenwigs thanked every lady and gentleman, seriatim, for the favour of their company.
Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickelby


David Hughes said... must've been looking really good ;)

this may or may not have made my day.

Shannon said...

i'd say this is one of the more brilliant things ive seen in my life